Analogue Nostalgias

a concert for two violas and tape recorders

Duo Alti
Hannah Gardiner, viola
Cameron Howe, viola

performed by

with music by



JS Bach (arr. Jon Paul Mayse)
Christ lag in Totes Banden

Geoff King

Caroline Shaw
In manus tuas

Cassandra Miller
Daylonging, Slacktide

David Nunn

Robert Reid Allan
Freedom, Equality, Homosexuality

David Nunn
Music in Sixths

Traditional (arr. David Nunn)
Home in that Rock


Friday, 10 May 2024, 20.00
The Old Church, Stoke Newington

Sunday, 19 May 2024, 15.00
The Nave at St Ethelburga’s Centre, Bishopsgate


A bow draws across a string, a tape head scans a piece of magnetic tape, and a physical action becomes sound. The remnants of that action - the grain of the sound - can carry powerful and nostalgic associations.

This concert explores the connection between medium and nostalgia through a mixture of live performance, tape recording and playback, and fixed digital media.

This concert is made possible by generous grants from the Golsoncott Foundation, the Vaughan Williams Foundation, the Finzi Trust, and Steven Larcombe.